welcome to the npiet pages, related to the piet
programming language:
``a language where the programs are works of modern art''. Piet is really esoteric, because the program is a picture. In this stack oriented language the color areas represent numbers and changes in the color decide what to do - eg. push the number on the stack and the next color change may command: print it to the terminal. npiet is an interpreter for piet programs and takes as input a portable pixmap (a ppm file) and since v0.3a png and gif files too - other formats may follow.
Hint: If you get an error running npiet on your downloaded gif image about an unknown gif format -- just open it with gimp or another paint program and save it as ppm or png image -- and try again! Have fun!
- the Piet programming language
![]() This program prints Hi - look here for a trace of the run.
Try |